Guest Author

Guest Author
Are you interested in being a guest author for the Columbia Mom? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome and relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Email us at info (at) thecolumbiamom (dot) com.

Let’s Be Honest :: Reflections On Mother’s Day

Mother's Day has come and gone, and it's left me thinking. Actually, if I'm being honest, I've had quite a few thoughts on this holiday for the past few years now; thoughts on how I...

A Love Letter to my Struggling, Doubting Daughter

My daughter has depression and recently tried to kill herself. We hospitalized her for her safety, and I'll write about that later - I know it's an important story to tell, but I'm still...

The Talk About the Birds and the Bees

Something unexpected happened this past Christmas. Between a trip to the zoo and going out to see Christmas lights, my eight-year-old started asking questions about her changing body. And I was unprepared. I had friends who...

Safeguard Your Virtual Home

In the last year, we saw our homes transform into office spaces, classrooms, family game and movie night central, even gyms and dance studios. Technology became an even more essential tool for us to...

When Your Mammogram is Abnormal

Last year I turned 40. As I watched my 30s vanish into the night, I knew that something new was on the horizon.  My first mammogram.  Both my mom and my best friend prepped me for...

Depression in Middle School

120 days ago my 7th grade daughter told me that she’s had fairy regular thoughts about killing herself. One month ago, she took her first Prozac. The days in between were hell. And so scary. And...


I'm not sure how you are feeling right about now, but I.Am.Over.It.  I'm over 2020. I'm over COVID-19. I'm over all of the 2020 events I was looking forward to being cancelled or switched to virtual.  I'm over...

Answers From an Expert :: Everything You Need to Know About Cord Blood Registry

My name is Erica and I am a wife, a mom, and a Cord Blood Registry (or Cbr® for short) educator! I live in Charleston but travel all over South Carolina and North Carolina...

Closing The Door On A Parent

When I was younger, I remember never getting along with my biological father. I can remember asking - practically begging - my mom when they would get divorced because even as a child I...

Mama Gone Wild

If you’re like me, you saw the article circulating on social media a while back about the benefits of moms going on vacations by themselves, and rolled your eyes. Sure, it sounded great, but who...

Why Is Breastfeeding So Difficult?

I have anxiety. Maybe a lot. Well, enough to make me exercise every day and medicate from time to time. But, the more I ask around, I realize I am like most middle-class women, struggling...

The Seven-Year Itch

This month my husband and I will be celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary. Unlike the last three anniversaries, thanks to the military, we will actually be in the same time zone to celebrate. Over the...

Why I Let My Kids Have a Play Date During a Pandemic

A couple of weeks ago my family was relaxing at home, as we have been every day since March. I was working, my children were playing, and my husband was working on a new...

My Journey Through Postpartum Anxiety and Depression

Before I was pregnant, I heard of postpartum anxiety and depression (PPA/PPD), but I never thought they would affect me. I had never had mental issues like that. However, my daughter's birth came in a...