It’s National Girlfriends Day… Grab Your Girls And Celebrate!


It’s National Girlfriends Day… Grab Your Girls And Celebrate! | Columbia SC Moms BlogIn college, my girlfriends’ primary responsibilities involved eating in the dining hall with me, making sure I didn’t wander off from the bar, holding my hair back when I had too much to drink and siding with me when my boyfriend had wronged me. While my college friends did, and still do, mean the world to me, I didn’t appreciate their roles in my life until I became older, got married, had kids, lost a parent, got stuck in a job I despised and all of those other hurdles life hands you as you grow up.

This year, I am determined to celebrate National Girlfriends Day because I realize that there are just certain situations where you need your girlfriends.

After an argument with your spouse

Let’s face it, marriages go through seasons. Winters can be rough. Life takes you in opposite directions, kids become a priority, misunderstandings become big fights. Your girlfriends talk your language and have likely been in the same predicament as you are. Girlfriends can bring perspective and encouragement to get you through those rough patches.

Re-living those old television shows

Whatever generation you were born in, we all have those shows that shaped our angst-filled years. Whether it was Dawson’s Creek, The O.C., 90210, Gilmore Girls, or Felicity, we all spent time glued to a television on a weekly basis. Netflix allows us to revisit those years on a binge-watching session with your closest girlfriends. Guys don’t necessarily hold a strong opinion on Dawson versus Pacey or Noel versus Ben. Sometimes it’s just nice to go back to a simpler time with some friends.

When you need to get away from it all for a night

Dinner, drinks, the latest Rom-Com, a walk downtown – sometimes we just need to escape all adult responsibilities and de-stress. There’s usually a girlfriend in a similar level of distress that could use a brief escape from the real world. Text her and get going … you won’t regret it!

Final Door | Columbia SC Moms Blog
Taking a break with girlfriends can get you through a rough week.

Bad fashion and bad hair trends

We all go through fashion phases. The uggs. Lularoe leggings. “The Rachel” haircut. We have all made unfortunate choices when it comes to haircuts, hair colors and fashion choices. Our girlfriends can see us through those moments.

Take time to celebrate you girlfriends today! Send a text, post a meme on her Facebook page, send her a filtered snap, or call her to go out for a glass of wine (or 3 if it’s happy hour). Although our quality time with our girlfriends might sometimes be few and far between, we are reminded of their importance on National Girlfriends Day.

Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them…your smile, your hope, and your courage.

– Doe Zantamata

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Kristen McGuire
Kristen is a wife, mother and full-time special education teacher. Born in Connecticut, she has lived in Washington, DC, North Carolina and now happily calls Columbia home. Her children, the tortoise and the hare, were adopted from South Korea and are now 7 and 4. This “Dawson’s Creek” enthusiast was convinced if she scored a spot as an extra on the show, a famous actor would fall in love with her and whisk her away to pursue a life of parties and Prada. She scored the spot, but not the actor. With a chronic case of Wanderlust, she can be found day-tripping throughout the Carolinas and planning excursions to visit family across the US. She could be a contestant on "World's Worst Cook" as she has ruined instant pudding not once...but twice.


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