Turning a Diaper Box into a Basket


diaper box“I think most moms can relate to the pain that comes with buying box after box of diapers. Not only do you go through an insane amount of diapers each month, but after a while, you are left with piles and piles of empty boxes.”

I can’t help but hold on to these boxes for a few days, asking myself if there is something I can use them for (before sending them to the recycling bin). Wouldn’t it be great to give these boxes a new purpose (they are super sturdy after all), and find a functional way to use them in my household? There has to be a solution!

We recently came across a blog post on our Sister Site, Red Stick Moms Blog, discussing this same issue, and found they had a pretty…and functional way…to use these discarded boxes.

Rather than reinventing the wheel here, you can find a step by step tutorial to create your own basket right, here!

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Tiffany Nettles
Tiffany traded in back-to-back business meetings and PowerPoint presentations, for sippy cups and play dates – leaving her corporate job behind to become a stay at home mom to her 16-month-old toddler. To say life is different is an understatement, and she now has a new found love and respect for the “hardest” (and best!) job she’s ever had. A native South Carolinian, Tiffany is best described as kind-hearted and friendly, with a quick sense of humor. When she’s not toting her little one around town to the latest kid friendly activity, you can find her enjoying a latte at Drip, catching up on the latest celebrity gossip magazines, or watching old reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 from the early 90′s. She received her Masters Degree in Integrated Communications from the University of South Carolina in 2007, and enjoys reading, writing and all things "mom."



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