5 Reasons I Love My “Mom Suit”


Although the back-to-school sales might tell us otherwise, we are not even halfway through the summer. There is still plenty of time to enjoy Columbia’s “famously hot” weather. In our home, we keep our swim bags stocked and ready to go all year long, just in case – swim towels, goggles, swim shoes, and suits.

My swimsuit of choice? A swim skirt or shorts on the bottom, and a tankini top or a swim shirt over a bikini top (that will never see the light of day). To some, it screams “mom suit.” But I love it – here’s why!

Comfort … and Confidence

When I am at the pool with my family (because seriously, I have not gone to a pool without my kids for a LONG time), I am there to have fun. I don’t want a suit that is poking me or pinching me or anything else. I want to be as comfortable as possible for being as semi-athletic as I get. A two-piece (for ease in the restroom) that is not going to turn into a “wardrobe malfunction” fits that bill. And when I am comfortable, I am also more confident!


I like dressing to be both stylish and modest. I have no reason or desire to show a lot of skin to strangers at a public pool. That’s not because I am ashamed of my body, or embarrassed by how it looks after carrying and bearing babies, or because I’m comparing my forty-something shape to the svelte millennials sunbathing on the beach. It’s simply because I believe in keeping some things a mystery to everyone but the man I married, even in the water. (And FYI for anyone looking for a modest suit – when you shop at Lands End, if you choose a skirt with “tummy control,” even if you don’t need it, and a long torso, even if you don’t need it, that will add an inch or two to the length of your skirt!)


I’m not just looking to cover up for modesty’s sake. I also want to protect myself from the harsh rays of the sun. I’m really fair-skinned and I ended up with some very bad sunburns as a child and in my twenties. Also, I’ve had enough friends end up with skin cancer that I take it way more seriously than I did back then. The more skin I cover with an SPF-protection level suit, the less danger of that.


My swim skirt doesn’t have them, but my Lands End swim shorts do!! I love pockets, especially when we’re at the beach and I find a shell worth keeping, or don’t want to wear my sunglasses for a minute. 


No, I’m not talking about being a swim wear model. I’m talking about modeling our family’s values and standards of modesty to our children. If I don’t want my daughter to wear a swim suit that is too revealing (which I don’t), it doesn’t make sense to me to wear something that goes against that, especially since my reasons have nothing to do with her age. I want her to see in my example how to be modest without compromising on style.

In the last half of summer 2018, I hope you will also find the time to enjoy the sunshine and water. If that means wearing a comfortable, protective, modest suit – rock it with confidence!

Are you pro mom suit? What’s your bathing suit of choice and why?

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Kristi Bothur
Kristi is a pastor’s wife, mother, writer, and former public school teacher for English for Speakers of Other Languages. She grew up all over the United States as an Air Force brat, but moved to Columbia in the 1990s to attend Columbia International University, and has called the Midlands “home” ever since. Her days are kept full with the antics and activities of her children - homeschooling, church activities, American Heritage Girls, and Trail Life - as well as writing and leading her Columbia-based pregnancy loss ministry, Naomi’s Circle. Kristi is a contributing editor for “Rainbows and Redemption: Encouragement for the Journey of Pregnancy After Loss” (www.rainbowsandredemption.weebly.com) and a co-author of “Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother“ (sunshineafterstorm.us). She shares her thoughts about faith, family, and femininity on her blog, This Side of Heaven (www.thissideofheavenblog.com).


    • Definitely! As a collaborative blog of more than 30 different moms across the Columbia area, we are glad to be able to represent a wide array of voices, even those in opposition to one another sharing their perspective. And we can’t agree more – do what makes YOU happy and don’t worry about what others think.


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