The Horror of Attachment Parenting


    THe Horror of Attachment Parenting - Columbia SC Moms Blog

    It’s almost Halloween! Time for candy, cuteness, and of course, scary movies!

    I am an attachment parent with all the hyphens and compound words that implies. We co-sleep. We breastfeed. We toddler-wear (because she’s a toddler now. UGH!). It works for us and for the most part, we love it. But like any parenting system, it has its faults and shortcomings. But did you know the attachment lifestyle has actually inspired some of today’s most thrilling and innovative horror movies?


    First on the list is Saw and all its iterations. Saw, for those of you who don’t love buckets of gore, has a pretty basic premise: someone is trapped, usually chained, to something and they can choose to either stay trapped or saw off the body part in question and escape. Tell me that doesn’t remind you of being stuck under a sleeping baby. Do you risk dehydration, boredom, or even worse, missing a snack and stay under said baby, or do you saw off your arm and move about the house freely? A conundrum for sure.

    The Horror of Attachment Parening - Columbia SC Moms Blog
    Trapped. Please send snacks.


    Next is the classic horror flick, Carrie. No, attachment parenting does not come with pig’s blood, thank goodness, but it does come with mean girls in bathrooms making fun of you. Because sometimes, the toddler needs cuddles even when you REALLY need to pee. Moments to savor, y’all.

    The Horror of Attachment Parenting
    That’s right. A toilet selfie.

    A Nightmare on Elm Street

    And what about A Nightmare on Elm Street? Surely it was written by a toddler who knows with complete certainly that sleeping by yourself equals death. That’s the only explanation I have for a toddler I know and her refusal to ever sleep alone. And it’s not enough to be in the same room. You must be cuddling or it doesn’t work.

    The Horror of Attachment Parenting
    Sleeping alone is for suckers.

    Rosemary’s Baby

    Last but not least is a personal favorite, though I did skip it the Halloween I was pregnant. That’s right; it’s Rosemary’s Baby. Because no matter how demonic my little girl can be, once I look into her eyes, I can’t help but love her. And that’s what all parenting, not just attachment, is about.

    Photo by Blue Silk Photography
    Seriously, who can’t love this face? (Photo by Blue Silk Photography)

    What Halloween classic does your parenting style look like?


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