5 Ways to Lift Your Mood When You’re Feeling Frumpy, Grumpy, and Old


5 Ways to Lift Your Mood When You're Feeling Frumpy, Grumpy, and Old | Columbia SC Moms Blog

If you haven’t had one of these days, then I promise you will. I’m not talking about the beautiful confidence that comes with age and experience. Growing older is great. Maturity brings a wonderful mindset. Most days. And then there are the times when you feel out of place, out of touch, and surprisingly – frumpy and grumpy. My mother-in-law told me once, “No one taught me about getting old.” So, as one mama to another, I’m here to share some tricks I’ve learned when those days come.

I Fix My Hair

I greyed prematurely and I haven’t yet learned how to find the right coloring match for white roots and this complexion of mine. To be blunt, the mess I’m left with when I don’t touch it up in time, washes me out completely. People will begin to ask me, “Are you feeling OK?” And I look in the mirror and see a tired face and limp hair. It’s the day for a quick, unscheduled visit to Great Clips and an hour in the bathroom with Garnier Nutrisse. Ah. $20 max and I’m young and fresh again. Maybe it’s not your hair that brings you down. Maybe you need a fresh lipstick or a whirl in your high heels. Find your personal quick frumpy fix look.

I Drive With the Windows Down

The best plan is to take a totally unnecessary drive. I mean, highway speed is exhilarating. But, if you can’t find the extra time then just do this while running to the usual: grocery store, school car line, or home from work. Turn the music up loud, roll every window down, and smile. Sing if you can. I don’t usually remember the words, but who cares? It fixes my grumps every time. In other words, act like a teenager would if they had the guts. Because you do. You’re gutsy.

I Find Some New Life to Cuddle

A baby snuggle will do wonders for your sense of perspective. But I’m telling you most any fresh new life will do. Know someone with a puppy or a kitten? Bingo. I’m blessed. I work part-time at a child care center. And I know which ones will save my day. Be careful, though. Don’t go too old when you try this fix. If they can talk, then they may be what made you feel old in the beginning. A four-year-old who sasses reality is not what you’re needing on these days. Go for as fresh of a life as you can get. Look deep into those eyes of an infant, get licked by a puppy, or giggle with a toddler.

I Play

Play is physical and when you’re feeling “old,” I find it best to throw your whole body into this mental struggle. This isn’t a trick. You really are a certain age. There’s no changing it. But what you probably want is that youthful attitude. You want FUN. Going down a waterslide is my ultimate fix. But it’s not often available. A simple swing, however, is usually doable. Know where the nearest set is to you – whether it’s your own backyard or nearest public park. Sit down, kick your legs out and in, and swing HIGH! I also enjoy tossing a balloon, shooting a basketball, or blowing bubbles. You might like crafting. Just don’t knit. Knitting cannot make you feel young. Can it? Coloring and play dough totally allowed. To each her own. Just do it.

I Help an Older Person

Sometimes the best fix is reaching out. Look around for someone “really old” and engage them. I’ve helped a stranger carry their groceries and left feeling uplifted. I’ve parked and walked up to a man sitting outside the rehab center near my house and started to chat. “Harry” reminded me that I wasn’t as old as I think that I am. But he also reminded me that old can be great.

Do you ever feel frumpy and grumpy? What’s something you do to feel differently?

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Melanie McGehee
Melanie McGehee never knew she wanted to be a mom. Even marriage caught her somewhat by surprise, in spite of the fact that she met husband Andy through a matchmaking service. She thanked eharmony by writing about that experience for an anthology, A Cup of Comfort for Women in Love. Almost two years to the day after marrying him, she stared at two pink lines and wondered aloud, “Is this okay?” His response, “Kind of late to be asking that now.” It was a bit late – in life. But at the advanced maternal age of 35, she delivered by surprise at 35 weeks and an emergency C-section, a healthy baby boy. Ian, like Melanie, is an only child. She’s written much about him during her years with the blog, but he’s now a teenager. Please, don’t do the math. It’s true. Momming in middle age is the best!


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